
-- RajaYoga Bhodhana Sevasramam --SRI-LA-SRI GnanaJoadhi Sampangi Swamigal

RajaYoga Bhodhana Sevasramam, the spiritual education center situated in Dadaphuram, was established in 1984 by the esteemed Yoga Guru Shri Gnanajoadhi Sampangi Swamigal. His profound journey commenced at sixteen years old when he encountered his Guru, ‘Shri Gnanajoadhi Swami’. Within a remarkably brief sixteen-month period, Swamiji absorbed the intricacies of Raja Yogam, mastering Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, and the subtleties of this spiritual practice.

Under the divine guidance, Swamiji was instructed by his Guru to commence the practice of all the yogic arts only after completing his fortieth year. As per this celestial decree, he began his dedicated practice of yoga and Pranayama at the age of 40, meticulously exploring and understanding their effects on the body. Through rigorous practice, he mastered Pranayama and Meditation, later utilizing this profound knowledge to teach others. His mastery enabled him to heal ailments without resorting to medicines, benefiting thousands through his yoga expertise and treatments.

Driven by the desire to systematically impart his knowledge, Swamiji initiated courses with a structured syllabus, authoring all the books for the curriculum. His writings, revered treasures in Sanskrit and Tamil, include ancient texts like Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Darshanas, Epics, Siddhar Paadalgal, Thirumandiram, Siva Gnana Bodham, Adukku Nilai Bodham, among others, presenting Yoga and Gnanasasthras as invaluable gifts to humanity.

Sri GnanaJoadhi Sampangi Swamigal

Teaching and Training at RajaYoga Bhodhana Sevasramam

At RajaYoga Bhodhana Sevasramam, we engage in the practice of Raja Yoga, utilizing “Nadi” examination to assess the body’s condition, and we impart specific Yogasanas tailored for both body and mind. This method follows the traditional approach established by ancient Yogis and Rishis.

Raja Yoga consists of eight steps: Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Among these, the four key divisions of Raja Yoga encompass Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, and Samadhi.

Unique Benefits at RajaYoga Bhodhana Sevasramam

At RajaYoga Bhodhana Sevasramam, we prioritize teaching and practicing Asanas and Pranayama before meditation. This approach ensures a well-developed body, life force, and a prepared mind. Our practice is a practical science with safe, beneficial, and lasting results. Through proper yoga-asanas, individuals attain good health and positive thoughts, fostering love, grace, benevolence, and a commitment to family and society.

The unique benefits derived from this holistic approach surpass any other medical system, nurturing individuals in ways unparalleled elsewhere.

Our Spiritual TreasuresSRI-LA-SRI GNANAJOADHI SAMPANGI SWAMIGAL authored numerous divine books, which are now cherished as our spiritual treasures


Yoga Pose & Benefits

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